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Coronary Atherosclerosis

Coronary Atherosclerosis - What it is

What is coronary atherosclerosis?

stages of coronary atherosclerosis

Coronary atherosclerosis is an accumulation of fatty deposits in the coronary artery wall. As coronary atherosclerosis progresses, this leads to gradual narrowing of the coronary arteries that are responsible for supplying nutrient to the muscle of the heart. This is known as coronary artery disease and is often associated with heart attack, heart failure and other cardiac health issues.

What are the types of coronary atherosclerosis?

Coronary atherosclerosis can be categorised as:

  1. Stable Atherosclerosis: Firm plaque with a thick fibrous cap. It causes gradual artery narrowing, leading to predictable chest pain during exertion.
  2. Unstable Atherosclerosis: Plaque with a thin cap, prone to rupture. This can result in sudden blockages and heart attacks, often with severe chest pain.
  3. Non-Obstructive Atherosclerosis: Less than 50% narrowing, often asymptomatic but can still lead to plaque rupture.
  4. Obstructive Atherosclerosis: Over 50% narrowing, restricting blood flow and causing significant chest pain.
  5. Calcified Atherosclerosis: Hardened plaque due to calcium deposits, leading to arterial stiffness.

What are the possible complications of coronary atherosclerosis?

  • Coronary artery disease: Coronary atherosclerosis can lead to coronary artery disease when the coronary arteries become significantly obstructed. 
  • Heart attack: When atherosclerotic plaque breaks, it results in clot formation. The clot blocks the coronary artery and prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching the heart. This causes irreversible damage and muscle death in certain areas of the heart, called a heart attack. 
  • Heart failure: If the heart muscle is damaged, the heart becomes weak and stiff, thus losing its ability to effectively pump blood to other parts of the body which results in heart failure. 

Coronary Atherosclerosis - Preparing for surgery

Coronary Atherosclerosis - Post-surgery care

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