Impacted wax needs to be removed if it is causing problems such as ear pain and hearing loss. Removal of earwax is also necessary if it is preventing proper evaluation of the eardrums and middle ear space.
There are several available ways of removing earwax. The most common home remedy is the use of a wax-softening agent, which is applied everyday until the wax softens and comes out.
Some commercial preparations can cause allergic reaction to ear canal skin and should be used with caution among children with known allergies. Safer alternatives to these commercial drops include mineral oil and glycerin. If wax-softening agents fail, the next option will be to seek professional help.
Earwax removal either by irrigation or suctioning is normally performed in the clinic. Earwax can also be removed manually using special instruments if the child is able to understand instructions and willing to cooperate. Manual removal of wax should not be attempted at home if the wax is located deep in the ear canal.
For children who cannot cooperate with the above methods, removal of earwax and ear examination can be accomplished under sedation or general anaesthesia.
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