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Infertility - Symptoms

Infertility - How to prevent?

How is infertility prevented? 

  • For women, try to conceive when you are still young. Fertility starts to fall at age 34 and diminishes further at age 37, falling quite drastically after 40. Fibroids and endometriosis can occur at any age but tend to be more common in older women.
  • Damaged tubes in the female and blocked vas in the males may occur as a result of sexually transmitted infections (STI). Condom use can protect against STI. If you have an infection, seek treatment early.
  • Certain infections such as mumps can cause inflammation of the testis and impair sperm production. That is why most children are vaccinated against mumps.
  • Problems with ovulation may be due to hormonal disturbance. If you have irregular infrequent periods, see your doctor to see if these hormonal imbalances, for example thyroid dysfunction, can be corrected.
  • If you have period pains and painful sex, see your doctor so that, if necessary, treatment can be instituted for endometriosis and fibroids.
  • Certain lifestyle issues like smoking and being under or overweight can also affect fertility.

Infertility - Preparing for surgery

Infertility - Post-surgery care

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