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Paediatric Tracheostomy Care

Paediatric Tracheostomy Care - What it is

A tracheostomy creation is a surgical procedure that involves creating an opening into the trachea (windpipe). This opening (the tracheostomy or stoma) can be either temporary or permanent and allows air to enter into the lungs via the trachea.

Many children who have gone through this procedure lead a good quality of life.

Why does my child need a tracheostomy?

  • Upper airway blockage or narrowing
  • Need for breathing support from a ventilator
  • Excess secretions (mucus or phlegm) from the airway or lungs

What to expect when your child has a tracheostomy?
A child with a tracheostomy requires 24-hour care and monitoring. Care requirements may include:

  • At least two caregivers.
  • Stoma care, changing tracheostomy tubes and ties, suctioning, parameter monitoring, ventilator use and emergency care.
  • Daily care needs e.g. feeding, speech and communication, bathing, physiotherapy etc.

Adequate training by healthcare providers will be provided to all caregivers.

What are the common complications?
There are some complications which can be prevented with proper daily care:

  • Redness or granulation tissue (lumpy pink growth) at the stoma
  • Tube blockage – usually due to secretions
  • Accidental tube dislodgement

Commonly asked questions

  • Can my child talk with a tracheostomy?
    Your child may not have a voice or may produce hoarse sounds. A speaking valve trial may be initiated by the speech therapist to allow air to exit through the mouth and nose, facilitating voice production.
  • Can my child eat with a tracheostomy?
    The speech therapist will evaluate your child’s swallowing skills and provide advice on improving swallowing if needed.
  • Can my child bathe/swim with a tracheostomy?
    In a bath, avoid getting water into the tracheostomy but you can still bathe your child. Swimming is not advised.
  • Will the tracheostomy be permanent?
    Decannulation (tracheostomy tube removal with eventual stoma closure) may be possible if your child’s medical condition changes over time. Your child’s doctor will advise you on your child’s suitability for decannulation at a later time.

Contact Us
If you wish to find out more or speak to any other caregivers, you can contact our Complex & Home Care Nurses at 8125-6712.

Operating Hours
8.00am to 5.30pm (Monday to Thursday)
8.00am to 5.00pm (Friday)
Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.

Email: [email protected]

Paediatric Tracheostomy Care - Symptoms

Paediatric Tracheostomy Care - How to prevent?

Paediatric Tracheostomy Care - Causes and Risk Factors

Paediatric Tracheostomy Care - Diagnosis

Paediatric Tracheostomy Care - Treatments

Paediatric Tracheostomy Care - Preparing for surgery

Paediatric Tracheostomy Care - Post-surgery care

Paediatric Tracheostomy Care - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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