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Snapping Hip Syndrome

Snapping Hip Syndrome - Causes and Risk Factors

Causes of Snapping Hip Syndrome

Snapping hip syndrome has multiple causes and is classified based on the anatomic structure that is the cause or the source of the snapping sensation.

Three main snapping hip categories have been recognised:

  1. The most common cause involves the snapping of the iliotibial band (ITB) that runs over the outside of the hip joint (extra-articular). This is commonly associated with differences in lower limb length (usually the longer side is symptomatic) and predisposed by:
    • Tight or thickened ITB on the involved side
    • Weakness in the hip abductor and external rotator muscles
    • Poor stability in the lower back and pelvic region
    • Abnormal foot mechanics such as excessive rolling in of the foot (overpronation)
  2. The second cause for snapping hip is due to the iliopsoas tendon catching on the prominence of the pelvis when the hip is flexed.
  3. The third and least likely cause involves snapping within the joint (intra-articular), and can be due to loose bodies, wear and tear of the joint cartilage, or tears of the soft tissue covering the hip socket (labrum).

Risk Factors of Snapping Hip Syndrome

There is no data available on the prevalence or incidence of snapping hip syndrome in our local population.

In the United States, the syndrome is most often found in individuals aged 15-40 years and affects females slightly more than males. The most common athletes to be affected are ballet dancers, runners and soccer players.

Snapping Hip Syndrome - Preparing for surgery

Snapping Hip Syndrome - Post-surgery care

Snapping Hip Syndrome - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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