Wisdom tooth Other area Oral antivirals - What is it for
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Oral antivirals

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Oral antivirals - What is it for

This medication is used to treat viral infections. Examples include herpes simplex on the skin and mucous membranes (cold sores, genitals and anus); herpes zoster (shingles); and chickenpox. 

The viruses that cause these infections are similar. They are inactive in the body until an outbreak is triggered (e.g., during weakened immunity or stress). 

This medication is not a cure for the infection. However, treatment of a viral outbreak can speed up the healing of sores, decrease pain, and lower the risk of complications (e.g., infection spreading to the whole body, brain infection, persistent pain after sore healing).

Oral antivirals - Additional Information

  • Updated on 10/31/2022 12:00:00 AM
  • Article contributed by PSS National Medication Information Workgroup PSS National Medication Information Workgroup
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