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Clin Assoc Prof Kwek Jin Wei

Clin Assoc Prof Kwek Jin Wei

MBBS, FRCR(UK), GradDip in Healthcare Management and Leadership (SMU)

Senior Consultant

Specialty: Oncologic Imaging

Clinical Interest: Breast, Gynae-Oncology, Uro-Oncology

Clinical Appointments

  • Senior Consultant Division of Oncologic Imaging National Cancer Centre SingaporeNational Cancer Centre Singapore
  • Senior Consultant Department of Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging KK Women's and Children's HospitalKK Women's and Children's Hospital

Academic Appointments

  • Clinical Associate Professor at Duke-NUS Medical School


Dr Kwek Jin Wei is a Senior Consultant with the Division of Oncological Imaging (DOI), National Cancer Center Singapore (NCCS). He graduated from the National University of Singapore (MBBS) in 1996. Completing his training in Diagnostic Radiology, he became a Fellow of the Royal College of Radiology (FRCR, UK) in April 2001 and finished his Advanced Specialty Training in Diagnostic Radi-ology in Singapore in May 2003. In 2004, he was honored to receive a Human Manpower Development Plan Award by the Ministry of Health Singapore for Oncologic Body Imaging at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA. Furthermore, he obtained an Advanced Diploma in Healthcare Management and Leadership from Singapore Management University and SingHealth Institute, where he graduated as the Valedictorian in 2013. 

Currently, he holds the position of Deputy Director of the Division of Cancer Education (DCE), Oncology ACP, overseeing the Faculty Development and Support Education Unit (FDSEU). Serving as a faculty member of the Singhealth Radiology Residency Program and as a Clinical Associate Profes-sor (Duke NUS, Medical School), he finds fulfillment in educating medical students, radiology residents, senior residents, and radiology fellows associated with the Division. From 2008 to 2022, he chaired the Disease Outbreak Response (DORS) Taskforce of the NCCS. In recognition of his contri-butions to managing the impact of COVID-19 in Singapore, he was awarded the National Day Public Administrative Medal (Bronze) (Covid-19) in 2023. With a portfolio of publications in international and local journals, he has also been a featured speaker at numerous international and local conferences.


  • Valedictorian, Graduate Diploma in Healthcare Management and Leadership, SMU, 2013 
  • FRCR, Royal College of Radiologists, UK, 2001 
  • MBBS, National University of Singapore, 1996

Professional Appointments and Committee Memberships

  • Public Administrative Medal (Bronze) (Covid-19), 2023 
  • National Day Award Long Service Medal, 2021 
  • Singapore Health Quality Service Award (Hero Award), 2021 
  • Singapore Health Quality Service (Silver) Award, 2018 
  • Outstanding Contributions As Clincal Core Faculty, 2016 
  • Merit Award For Educational Exhibit, 2013 
  • Excellent Service Award, 2005 
  • Human Manpower Development Plan Award, 2004


Research Interests


  • A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Mapping Biopsy for Primary Extramammary Paget's Disease in Reducing Recurrence Following Surgical Excision. Murugan T, Wong LCK, Ong XS, Tan SH, Tan JW, Liu Y, Shannon NB, Chiang J, Poon E, Chan JY, Yang VS, Somasundaram N, Farid M, Wong RX, Nei WL, Kwek JW, Thng CH, Hennedige T, Tang PY, Selvarajan S, Tay KJ, Abdul MR, Wong JSM, Seo CJ, Soo KC, Chia CS, Ong CJ. Ann Surg Open. 2023 Nov 2;4(4):e339. doi: 10.1097/AS9.0000000000000339. eCollection 2023 Dec. PMID: 38144489 
  • Diagnostic accuracy of multiparametric MRI in endometrial cancer and its adjunctive value in identifying high-risk women requiring surgical staging. Chew LL, Chua BJG, Busmanis I, Tay AZE, Lim C, Chan JJ, Sommat K, Tay SK, Ho TH, Kwek JW.Ann Acad Med Singap. 2022 Dec;51(12):801-803. doi: 10.47102/annals-acadmedsg.2022125. PMID: 36592151 
  • Prospective Comparison of the Performance of MRI Versus CT in the Detection and Evalua-tion of Peritoneal Surface Malignancies. Chia CS, Wong LCK, Hennedige TP, Ong WS, Zhu HY, Tan GHC, Kwek JW, Seo CJ, Wong JSM, Ong CJ, Thng CH, Soo KC, Teo MCC. Can-cers (Basel). 2022 Jun 29;14(13):3179. doi: 10.3390/cancers14133179. PMID: 35804951 
  • Changing self-concept in the time of COVID-19: a close look at physician reflections on social media. Chiam M, Ho CY, Quah E, Chua KZY, Ng CWH, Lim EG, Tan JRM, Wong RSM, Ong YT, Soong YL, Kwek JW, Yong WS, Loh KWJ, Lim C, Mason S, Krishna LKR.Philos Ethics Humanit Med. 2022 Jan 26;17(1):1. doi: 10.1186/s13010-021-00113-x. PMID: 35078488 
  • Non-anesthetist-administered moderate sedation with midazolam and fentanyl for outpatient MRI-aided hybrid intracavitary and interstitial brachytherapy in cervix cancer: a single-institution experience. Sommat K, Lin JYX, Chew MML, Loh CS, Liew JSK, Foo YW, Kwek JW, Hennedige T, Goh JPS, Tan TK.J Contemp Brachytherapy. 2021 Jun;13(3):286-293. doi: 10.5114/jcb.2021.105946. Epub 2021 May 6. PMID: 34122568 
  • A systematic scoping review of approaches to teaching and assessing empathy in medicine. Zhou YC, Tan SR, Tan CGH, Ng MSP, Lim KH, Tan LHE, Ong YT, Cheong CWS, Chin AMC, Chiam M, Chia EWY, Lim C, Wijaya L, Chowdhury AR, Kwek JW, Fong W, So-masundaram N, Ong EK, Mason S, Krishna LKR. BMC Med Educ. 2021 May 22;21(1):292. doi: 10.1186/s12909-021-02697-6. PMID: 34020647 
  • Algorithm-based approach to hypervascular pancreatic lesions. Leow KS, Chieng JSL, Low HM, Lim KS, Kwek JW, Lim TC, Tan CH.Singapore Med J. 2021 Mar;62(3):113-119. doi: 10.11622/smedj.2021027.PMID: 33846754
  • Early Outcomes of a National Cancer Center's Strategy Against COVID-19 Executed Through a Disease Outbreak Response Taskforce. Kwek JW, Chan JJ, Kanesvaran R, Wang MLC, Neo PSH, Chia CS, Tham CK, Chew LST, Tan HK, Yap SP, Dent RA, Hwang WYK, Lim ST. JCO Oncol Pract. 2021 Mar;17(3):e343-e354. doi: 10.1200/OP.20.00535. Epub 2021 Jan 13.PMID: 33439694 
  • Cancer Versus COVID-19: A Coordinated Disease Outbreak Response System (DORS) to Combat COVID-19 at the National Cancer Centre Singapore. Kanesvaran R, Chia CS, Yap SP, Wang MLC, Tham CK, Lim ST, Hwang WYK, Kwek JW.Ann Acad Med Singap. 2020 Oct;49(10):807-809.PMID: 33283845 
  • Understanding the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Patients With Cancer, Their Caregivers, and Health Care Workers in Singapore. Ng KYY, Zhou S, Tan SH, Ishak NDB, Goh ZZS, Chua ZY, Chia JMX, Chew EL, Shwe T, Mok JKY, Leong SS, Lo JSY, Ang ZLT, Leow JL, Lam CWJ, Kwek JW, Dent R, Tuan J, Lim ST, Hwang WYK, Griva K, Ngeow J.JCO Glob Oncol. 2020 Oct;6:1494-1509. doi: 10.1200/GO.20.00374.PMID: 33017179 
  • Minimizing transmission of COVID-19 while delivering optimal cancer care in a National Cancer Centre. Chiang J, Yang VS, Han S, Zhuang Q, Ooi G, Sin IH, Chua GWY, Tan SY, Chia CS, Tan VK, Neo PSH, Kwek JW, Yap SP, Kanesvaran R, Lim ST, Hwang WYK, Tham CK.J Cancer Policy. 2020 Sep;25:100241. doi: 10.1016/j.jcpo.2020.100241. Epub 2020 Jul 9. PMID: 32834995 
  • Facilitating timely cancer care in a surgical oncology subspecialty unit during the pandemic and recovery phase of the COVID era. Ong CJ, Lim HJ, Tan JW, Wong JSM, Lim ST, Kwek JW, Tan HK, Hwang WYK, Chia CS. Asian J Surg. 2020 Sep;43(9):965-966. doi: 10.1016/j.asjsur.2020.07.005. Epub 2020 Jul 23.PMID: 32713751 
  • Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer with In-Bore MR-guided Focused Ultrasound: Two-Year Follow-up of a Phase I Trial-Complications and Functional Outcomes. Tay KJ, Cheng CWS, Lau WKO, Khoo J, Thng CH, Kwek JW.Radiology. 2017 Nov;285(2):620-628. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2017161650. Epub 2017 Jun 26.PMID: 28654336 Clinical Trial. 
  • Imaging features of renal complications after crizotinib treatment for non-small-cell lung can-cer: a case report. Chan WY, Ang MK, Tan DS, Koh WL, Kwek JW.Radiol Case Rep. 2016 May 18;11(3):245-7. doi: 10.1016/j.radcr.2016.04.010. eCollection 2016 Sep.PMID: 27594959 
  • Polypoid endometriosis of post vaginal fornix: utility of MRI imaging of pelvis with diffusion weighted imaging for diagnosis. Tham WP, Busmanis I, Tan WC, Kwek JW.Med J Malaysia. 2016 Jun;71(3):144-6.PMID: 27495891 
  • Proposed radiological criteria for pre-operative determination of resectability in peritoneal-based malignancies. Tan GH, Kwek JW, Hosseini R, Chanyaputhipong J, Tham CK, Soo KC, Teo MC.J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2016 Jun;60(3):337-43. doi: 10.1111/1754-9485.12456. Epub 2016 Apr 21.PMID: 27098828 
  • Primary colorectal cancer: use of kinetic modeling of dynamic contrast-enhanced CT data to predict clinical outcome. Koh TS, Ng QS, Thng CH, Kwek JW, Kozarski R, Goh V.Radiology. 2013 Apr;267(1):145-54. doi: 10.1148/radiol.12120186. Epub 2013 Jan 7.PMID: 23297334 
  • Interpretation and applicability of empirical tissue enhancement metrics in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI based on a multiple pathway model. Koh TS, Shi W, Thng CH, Kwek JW, Bisdas S, Khoo JB.Phys Med Biol. 2012 Aug 7;57(15):N279-94. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/57/15/N279. Epub 2012 Jul 13.PMID: 22796722 
  • Follow-up of known carcinoid liver metastases: is respiratory-gated t(2) fast spin-echo enough? Bhosale P, Kwek JW, Iyer R, Wei W, Bassett R, Kundra V.Neuroendocrinology. 2011;93(4):241-8. doi: 10.1159/000326237. Epub 2011 Apr 7.PMID: 21474918 
  • Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of neuroendocrine hepatic metastases: A feasibility study using a dual-input two-compartment model. Koh TS, Thng CH, Hartono S, Kwek JW, Khoo JB, Miyazaki K, Collins DJ, Orton MR, Leach MO, Lewington V, Koh DM.Magn Reson Med. 2011 Jan;65(1):250-60. doi: 10.1002/mrm.22596.PMID: 20860001 
  • Cystic pancreatic lesions: a pictorial review and management approach. H'ng MW, Kwek JW, Liao KH, Vu CK.Singapore Med J. 2010 Aug;51(8):668-75.PMID: 20848066 
  • Florid polypoid endometriosis of the cervix with left ureteric obstruction: a mimic of cervical malignancy. Kwek JW, H'ng MW, Chew SH, Tay EH.Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Aug;36(2):252-4. doi: 10.1002/uog.7635.PMID: 20455204 
  • Imaging appearance of severe subcapsular hepatic steatosis: mimicking hepatic embolic in-farcts. H'ng MW, Kwek JW.Br J Radiol. 2010 May;83(989):e98-100. doi: 10.1259/bjr/62944791.PMID: 20418464 
  • Cystic degeneration of ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreatic tail. H'ng MW, Kwek JW, Teo CH, Cheong DM.Singapore Med J. 2009 Mar;50(3):e91-3.PMID: 19352559 
  • Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata and subcutaneous myoma--a rare complication of laparoscopic myomectomy. Thian YL, Tan KH, Kwek JW, Wang J, Chern B, Yam KL.Abdom Imaging. 2009 Mar-Apr;34(2):235-8. doi: 10.1007/s00261-008-9379-5.PMID: 18311496 
  • Imaging of painful solitary lesions of the sacrum. Peh WC, Koh WL, Kwek JW, Htoo MM, Tan PH.Australas Radiol. 2007 Dec;51(6):507-15. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1673.2007.01861.x.PMID: 17958684 Review. 
  • Spectrum of imaging findings in the abdomen after radiotherapy. Kwek JW, Iyer RB, Dun-nington J, Faria S, Silverman PM.AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2006 Nov;187(5):1204-11. doi: 10.2214/AJR.05.0941. PMID: 17056907 
  • Gel-gel double-lumen silicone breast implant: mimic of intracapsular implant rupture. Kwek JW, Choi H, Ma J, Miller MJ. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2006 Oct;187(4):W436-7. doi: 10.2214/AJR.05.2237. PMID: 16985119 No abstract available. 
  • Recurrent ovarian cancer: spectrum of imaging findings. Kwek JW, Iyer RB.AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2006 Jul;187(1):99-104. doi: 10.2214/AJR.05.0004. PMID: 16794162 
  • Phased-array magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate with correlation to radical prostatec-tomy specimens: local experience. Kwek JW, Thng CH, Tan PH, Yuen JS, Khoo JB, Quek ST, Ho JT, Tan KP, Cheng CW.Asian J Surg. 2004 Jul;27(3):219-24; discussion 225-6. doi: 10.1016/S1015-9584(09)60037-3.PMID: 15564165 
  • MR imaging and MR spectroscopy of adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Kwek JW, Thng CH. Ann Acad Med Singap. 2003 Jul;32(4):500-6. PMID: 12968556 Review. 
  • Clinics in diagnostic imaging (77). Pes anserine bursitis. Koh WL, Kwek JW, Quek ST, Peh WC. Singapore Med J. 2002 Sep;43(9):485-91. PMID: 12568429 
  • Clinics in diagnostic imaging (72). Superior labral anterior-posterior (SLAP) tear. Kwek JW, Quek ST, Peh WC. Singapore Med J. 2002 Apr;43(4):211-6. PMID: 12188069

Research Trials