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Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT)

Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) - What it is

Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) scan Singapore SingHealth

​The Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a non-invasive (no incision required) test which examines the coronary arteries, vessels that supply oxygenated blood to the heart wall.

Plaque is a buildup of fats and other substances including calcium, which can narrow the arteries or even close off blood flow to the heart over time. This may result in chest pain or heart attack.

Cardiac CT is a relatively painless scan which allows physicians to obtain information about the location and the extent of calcified plaque in the coronary arteries with a greater degree of accuracy.

Before Cardiac CT is made available, the only way to assess the degree of narrowing in the coronary arteries was via an invasive (incision required) coronary angiogram which requires the patient to stay in the hospital for a day.

Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) - Symptoms

Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) - How to prevent?

Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) - Causes and Risk Factors

Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) - Diagnosis

Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) - Treatments

Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) - Preparing for surgery

Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) - Post-surgery care

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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