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Coronary Angioplasty

Coronary Angioplasty - Symptoms

Coronary Angioplasty - How to prevent?

Coronary Angioplasty - Causes and Risk Factors

Coronary Angioplasty - Diagnosis

Coronary Angioplasty - Treatments

Coronary Angioplasty - Other Information

What does coronary angioplasty involve?

Coronary angioplasty is a procedure used to open blocked or narrowed coronary arteries. A small balloon is inflated within the artery to improve blood flow to the heart, and in many cases, a stent is placed to keep the artery open.

Who might require coronary angioplasty?

This procedure is often recommended for individuals with coronary artery disease, particularly those experiencing chest pain (angina), breathlessness or a heart attack. It is typically considered when medication and lifestyle adjustments are not enough to manage symptoms.

How long does coronary angioplasty take to complete?

The procedure generally lasts between 30 minutes and 2 hours, depending on the complexity of the blockage. While most patients can return home the next day, some may need to stay in hospital longer based on their condition.


Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty:


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Cardiovascular Rehabilitation & Preventive Cardiology (CVR & PC) Programme

You are encouraged to attend the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation & Preventive Cardiology Programme after your coronary angioplasty procedure. The programme will enable, encourage and assist you on the road to recovery.

For more information on our programme, click here.


  1. Percutaneous coronary intervention. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. (n.d.). https://www.heartandstroke.ca/heart-disease/treatments/surgery-and-other-procedures/percutaneous-coronary-intervention
  2. Coronary angioplasty and Stents (PCI). British Heart Foundation. (n.d.). https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/treatments/coronary-angioplasty-and-stents
  3. U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Angioplasty | Balloon Angioplasty. MedlinePlus. https://medlineplus.gov/angioplasty.html
  4. Coronary angioplasty and stenting: Cardiac surgery: Michigan medicine. Cardiac Surgery. (2016, July 20). https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/cardiac-surgery/patient-information/adult-cardiac-surgery/adult-conditions-treatments/coronary-angioplasty-stenting 

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