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Infective Endocarditis

Infective Endocarditis - What it is

Infective Endocarditis (IE), also known as bacterial endocarditis (BE), is an infection typically caused by bacteria which enters the bloodstream and remain in the heart lining, blood vessel or heart valve. There are two categories of IE: acute IE and chronic IE. Acute IE is an infection that occurs suddenly and may worsen drastically within days. Meanwhile, chronic IE occurs over a few weeks or months. While it is an uncommon condition, patients with certain heart conditions have a higher risk of developing IE.

Possible Complications of Infective Endocarditis (IE)

  • Diseased or damaged heart valves: IE may damage heart valves resulting in abnormal valve function. 
  • Abnormal heart rhythm/Arrhythmia: IE is one of the many heart conditions that can cause abnormal heart rhythms.  
  • Heart failure: When valvar function is significantly affected, the heart might be unable to pump sufficient blood around the body.  
  • Stroke: Infection “clumps” may dislodge and block off the brain’s blood flow, causing a stroke. 
  • Sepsis: A life-threatening condition where the infection is very severe, resulting in multi-organ failure or even death.  

Infective Endocarditis - Post-surgery care

Infective Endocarditis - Other Information

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