Wisdom tooth Other area Squints (Strabismus) Pre-Surgery Preparation | Singapore National Eye Centre
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Squints (Strabismus)

Squints (Strabismus) - Preparing for surgery

Why is this procedure needed?

The aim of the procedure is to re-align the eyes so as to either:

  1. Improve the ability of the eyes to work together (improve binocularity), or 
  2. Reduce or eliminate double vision, or
  3. Reduce or eliminate an abnormal head posturing (e.g. head turn or tilt), or
  4. Improve the appearance of the patient

What does it involve?

  1. Strabismus surgery is a procedure performed on the muscles controlling eye movements. The specific type of eye muscle surgery will depend on the type of strabismus.
  2. The surgery may be done under general anaesthesia (i.e. with the patient fully asleep); or under topical anaesthesia (i.e. with eye numbing eye drops) in co-operative patients.
  3. An incision is made on the conjunctiva (i.e. the transparent layer of membrane covering the white part of the eye), then the eye muscles are located under this membrane and repositioned (i.e. either moved or shortened).
  4. Absorbable sutures are used in most cases, these will dissolve and do not require removal. Non-absorbable sutures may also be used in special circumstances.
  5. The conjunctiva is then repositioned over the surgical site with absorbable sutures.

What precautions must be taken before the squint operation? 

When planning for surgery, please inform your doctor of all medical illnesses.
  1. A history of allergy or reaction to any medications, drugs, or food.      
  2. A history of bleeding/clotting disorders
  3. A history of taking any drugs or herbs that thin the blood (e.g. warfarin, aspirin, ticlopidine, or clopidogrel), which may increase the risk of bleeding.
  4. Inform the doctor if your child is unwell a few days before surgery.
  5. Adhere to the fasting guidelines provided.

Squints (Strabismus) - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth