Wisdom tooth Other area Tooth Avulsion (Knocked Out Tooth): Treatment, Investigation, Replanting Permanent Teeth |National Dental Centre Singapore
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Tooth Avulsion (Knocked-out Tooth)

Tooth Avulsion (Knocked-out Tooth) - Symptoms

Tooth Avulsion (Knocked-out Tooth) - Causes and Risk Factors

Tooth Avulsion (Knocked-out Tooth) - Diagnosis

Tooth Avulsion (Knocked-out Tooth) - Treatments

  • The dentist will perform an examination and relevant investigations.
  • The avulsed tooth will be replanted.
  • If the tooth has already been replanted, the dentist will check that it is in the correct position.
  • The tooth will be splinted to help it reattach. Replanted permanent teeth will be splinted up to 2 – 4 weeks depending on the severity of the injury.
  • Antibiotics and possibly a tetanus booster, if indicated, will be prescribed.
  • The dentist will inform you of follow-up treatment that may be needed.

splitting of upper teeth after avulsion
Splinting of upper teeth

splinting of lower teeth after avulsion
Splinting of lower teeth

Tooth Avulsion (Knocked-out Tooth) - Preparing for surgery

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