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Desmopressin Intranasal Solution

Drug Class: Commonly Known As: Category:
Vasopressin Analog, Synthetic Children

Desmopressin Intranasal Solution - What is it for

Desmopressin Intranasal Solution - Side Effects, Precautions, and Contraindications

What side effects can Desmopressin Intranasal Solution cause?

Before taking Desmopressin Intranasal Solution , what precautions must I follow?

What food or medicine must I avoid when I take Desmopressin Intranasal Solution ?

Desmopressin Intranasal Solution - Dosage and How to Use

How should Desmopressin Intranasal Solution be used?

Directions to use: Pictures

1. Pull plastic tag on neck of via.



​2. Break security seal and remove plastic cap.
3. Twist off small knurled seal from the dropper. Use the same seal reversed to prevent subsequent leakage, especially if the vial is not stored upright.

4. There are several methods to measure out the required dose.

For dose that can be measure​​d accurately with the plastic Rhinal tube

a) Take the calibrated part of the plastic tube in one hand and place the fingers of the other hand around the cylindrical part of the dropper.

b) Insert the tube marked with an arrow into the dropper. Squeeze the dropper until the solution has reached the desired mark.

c) Withdraw the dropper quickly downwards. Continue to squeeze the dropper while withdrawing.

For dose <0.025mL or dose that cannot be measured accurately using the plastic Rhinal tube                  
a) Measure required dose using a 1mL syringe.

b) Transfer dose into the plastic rhinal tube for administration.

For older children and adults:

Hold the tube with the fingers approximately ¾ (three-quarters) inch from the end and insert it into a nostril until the tips of the fingers reach the nostril.

For neonates, infants and young children:

Gently insert the plastic Rhinal tube into a nostril, just far enough so that the solution does not run out. The infant/young child should be held firmly and securely.

​ 5. Put the other end of the tube into the mouth. Hold breath, tilt back the head & then blow with a short strong puff through the tube so that the solution reaches into the nasal cavity. Alternatively, another person can help to blow the liquid into the nasal cavity. Through this procedure, medicine is limited to the nasal cavity and does not pass down into the throat. ​


For neonates, infants or young children who are unable to self-administer dose, a syringe or a dropper can be used to aid administration

Tilt the baby’s head back slightly. Draw some air into the 1mL tuberculin syringe and re-insert the syringe into the other end of the tube. Slowly push the plunger of the syringe so that the air inside the syringe would push the solution into the nasal cavity.​​

6. After use, reseal dropper tip and close the bottle with the plastic cap. Wash the tube with water and shake thoroughly, till no more water is left.​ The tube can then be used for the next application.​​


What should I do if I miss a dose?

What should I do if I overdose?

Desmopressin Intranasal Solution - Handling

How should I handle Desmopressin Intranasal Solution safely?

Desmopressin Intranasal Solution - Storage

How should I store Desmopressin Intranasal Solution ?

;#Keep away from children;#Keep in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight;#

How should I dispose of Desmopressin Intranasal Solution safely?

Desmopressin Intranasal Solution - Additional Information

0.01 mg/mL

(extemporaneous prep)

 0.1 mg/mL (2.5mL)
Storage​Fridge (2-8 degree celsius)Fridge (2-8 degree celsius)​
Expiry after opening 4 weeks ​​2 months*

* When travelling, unopened bottles will maintain stability for 4 weeks (1 month) if stored at room temperature (max 25°C).

  • Updated on 7/24/2020 12:00:00 AM
  • Article contributed by Pharmacy Department KK Women's and Children's Hospital
The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth


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