Follow-up AppointmentWe will arrange for follow-up appointments in accordance with your doctor's instructions. Please take note of the date and time of your appointments, which will be recorded on your appointment card. Do bring the card with you at the next visit.
You will also receive an SMS reminder 5 working days before your appointment date. If you cannot attend the appointment, please reschedule your appointment via the Health Buddy App with your SingPass, so that another patient can benefit from earlier treatment.
When Your Specialist Treatment Has Been Completed NDCS is a specialty referral centre that treats complex dental cases. Once your dental condition has been stabilised, your routine dental care can be managed by your family dentist or a primary care dentist in the community.
If you don’t have a family dentist, click here to see a list of dentists on Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS). You can see these dentists even if you are not a CHAS member.
NDCS also works with like-minded primary care dentists under the Care Partnership Programme, to transition suitable patients to care in the community, at a clinic located closer to home. Since its launch in 2017, many patients have benefited from this programme, and report a high level of satisfaction. Your dentist will advise if you are a suitable participant.
In both cases, you may be referred back to NDCS if you need specialist attention.
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